Rock Water
Those who are very strict in their way of living….
One of Bach’s Seven Helpers, prepared by the sun method.
Rock Water
Those who are very strict in their way of living….
One of Bach’s Seven Helpers, prepared by the sun method.
Rock Water
Those who are very strict in their way of living….
One of Bach’s Seven Helpers, prepared by the sun method.
Those who are very strict in their way of living; they deny themselves many of the joys and pleasures of life because they consider it might interfere with their work. They are hard masters to themselves. They wish to be well strong and active, and will do anything which they believe will keep them so. They hope to examples which will appeal to others who may then follow their ideas and be better as a result. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936]
Nickie Murray Talks
This remedy brings great peace and understanding, broadens the outlook that all people must find perfection in their own individual way, and brings the realisation of ‘being’ and not ‘doing’; of being in ourselves a reflection of Great Things and not attempting to put forward our own ideas. [Bach]
Chronic Conditions
These people are people of ideals. They have very strong opinions about religion or politics, or reform. Well-meaning enough and wishing to see the world different and better, they tend to confine their efforts of help to criticism instead of example. They allow their minds and largely their lives to be ruled by their theories. Any failure to make others follow their ideas brings them much unhappiness. They want to plan the world according to their own outlook, instead of quietly and gently doing a little in the Great Plan. [Bach]
Any well or spring which has been known to be a healing centre and which is still left free in its natural state, unhampered by the shrines of man, may be used. Sites where the water has been channelled or controlled should be avoided. The source should be protected by natural forces but unfettered by man.
Rock Water
Rock Water Details
- Latin Name Aqua
- Group Seven Helpers
- Emotional Group Over-care for the welfare of others
- Chronic Condition Strict idealist
- Method Sun
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Rock Water – Form and Function
Rock Water is not a flower remedy in the strict sense of the phrase: it is not made from flowers. Rock Water, said Bach, should be taken from any well or spring ‘which has been known to be a healing centre and which is still left free in its natural state, unhampered by the shrines of man’. Later he modifies ‘healing centre’ to having had ‘healing power’. Water from the spring is taken in a thin glass bowl and set down nearby so that it may receive clear, uninterrupted sunshine. That’s it, that’s all. The water is cold and condensation immediately forms on the outside glass. After some time the condensation clears as the water in the bowl warms and later the familiar bubbles appear and the winking, spectral colours grow stronger until the essence is made. Bach said this remedy only needed about half an hour although Nora Weeks speaks of three hours: she erred on the side of caution.
Rockwater is for idealists who ‘have very strong opinions about religion, or politics, or reform’. They are ruled by theories, are disapproving, critical and strict ‘and so lose much of the joy of life’. They want to lead by example but end up giving themselves and everybody else a hard time. Was this Bach’s perception of himself at this time? Certainly much of his writing has a kind of passionate idealism and we might suppose that he found the Rockwater remedy by the same process of sympathetic resonance that applied to Impatiens; significantly he mentions the severity of ‘the inquisitor’ in relation to both.