Those who are dreamy, drowsy, not fully awake, no great interest in life…
One of Bach’s original twelve healers prepared by the sun method and one of the Five Flower essence combination.
Those who are dreamy, drowsy, not fully awake, no great interest in life…
One of Bach’s original twelve healers prepared by the sun method and one of the Five Flower essence combination.
Those who are dreamy, drowsy, not fully awake, no great interest in life…
One of Bach’s original twelve healers prepared by the sun method and one of the Five Flower essence combination.
Those who are dreamy, drowsy, not fully awake, no great interest in life. Quiet people, not really happy in their present circumstances, living more in the future than in the present; living in hopes of happier times, when their ideals may come true. In illness some make little or no effort to get well, and in certain cases may even look forward to death, in the hope of better times; or maybe, meeting again some beloved one whom they have lost. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936]
Nickie Murray Talks
The remedy brings stability: and places the patient on a more practical plane; brings them ‘down to earth’; and so enables them to fulfil their work in this world. [Bach]
State of Being
To combat all sleepy, drowsy, listless states. When the patient loses interest. Makes no effort to get well. Seems indifferent as to what happens: has no enthusiasm about anything. Only half hear what is said to them. These people are often dreamy, far-away, apathetic, live in their thoughts; maybe thinking too much of someone they have lost, or dream of ambitions they do not strive to realise. They seem contented, being not fully awake, and happy in their dreams of ideals. They are generally quiet and gentle, but they do not find enough joy in life itself; do not live enough in the present. Ordinary fainting may be of this type and in unconscious cases it is sufficient to moisten the lips with the remedy. [Bach]
Clematis is in Five Flower, Five Flower Natural Cream and Exam combination.
Clematis grows in woods, on woodland margins and in hedgerows mainly on lime-rich soils.
Clematis is found throughout southern Britain, though it becomes scarce in the north. It especially adorns our hedges in many parts of the country where there is chalk.
Clematis Details
- Latin Name Clematis vitalba
- Group The First Twelve Essences
- Emotional Group Insufficient interest in present circumstances
- Personality Dreamer
- Virtue Gentleness
- Failing Indifferent
- Method Sun
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Clematis – Form and Function
Clematis is the clear antithesis of Impatiens. If Bach was looking for his own type remedy in Impatiens it is perhaps an indication of his genius that he could imagine something so different at one and same time. Bach may have been a dreamer in that he imagined a better future, an easier life, but he was not apparently touched by the negative attributes of the Clematis type, whom he described as ‘having little desire for life’ – requiring many hours of sleep at night with a sluggish constitution, a pale and muddy complexion. Bach lived by the bedroom maxim ‘time to turn over, time to turn out’ and was, as an Impatiens, eager for the day and what it might bring. Just the opposite of the Clematis types as he described them ‘wishing there was not another day to face…how good it would be just to go to sleep’. Yet we must suppose that he had formed a clear picture of the type of person who might need such a remedy. And his earliest description of Clematis bears this out since it is almost fully formed and all the main attributes of the type remedy are there from the first. He wrote of the Clematis people as:
having little desire for life
day-dreaming types
content to be left alone
having little ambition to survive.